Document Markup Annotations

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You can add various types of annotation to the document under the Annotate menu.


Document Markup_Annotations


The types of annotations include:

Highlighter: Click on the Document Markup_Highlighter Icon icon to highlight a specific area in the document in rectangular shape.

Freehand Highlighter: Click on the Document Markup_Freehand Highlighter Icon icon to highlight a specific area in the document with freehand shapes.

Rubber Stamp: Click on the Document Markup_Rubber Stamp Icon icon to draw a rubber stamp onto the document. You can specify the stamp content in the Rubber Stamp Annotation Properties window.

Rectangle: Click on theDocument Markup_Rectangle Icon  icon to draw a rectangle shape onto the document.

Ellipse: Click on the Document Markup_Ellipse Icon icon to draw a ellipse shape onto the document.

Line: Click on the Document Markup_Line Icon icon to draw a ellipse shape onto the document.

Connected Line: Click on the Document Markup_Connected Line Icon icon to draw a connected line onto the document.

Freehand Line: Click on the Document Markup_Freehand Line Icon icon to draw a freehand line onto the document.

Arrow: Click on the Document Markup_Arrow Icon icon to draw an arrow onto the document.

Ruler: Click on the Document Markup_Ruler Icon icon to draw a line onto the document and measure its lengths.

Polygon Ruler: Click on the Document Markup_Polygon Ruler Icon icon to draw a polygon onto the document and measure its perimeter.

Text: Click on the Document Markup_Text Icon icon to draw a text annotation onto the document.

Sticky Note: Click on the Document Markup_Sticky Note Icon icon to draw a sticky note onto the document.




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