Edit Funding Request

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Navigate Here: Financials > Budget > Browse FR > Click on Edit icon of an FR listed in the table


This page allows you to make changes to an existing Funding Request.


A Funding Request is comprised of three major components:

General attributes FR Number, FR Status, Fiscal Year, Workflow Originator, and Currency.

The business entity associated with the FR, the system recommended entity is “Project”.

FR line items that specify the financial breakdowns and details of the FR. The system recommended line item structure uses these attributes: Object Code, Current Scoping, Total Scoping, UTD Budget, Funding Request, Total Funding, Fund, and Notes.

General Attributes

FR Number: specifies the reference number for the Funding Request. This number can be user input or system generated. This number is system generated by default. To input your own FR number, simply click on the Delete icon and enter the desired number in the textbox.

FR Status: Specifies the status of the Funding Request.  There are four statues: Draft, Under Review, Rejected, and Approved. The default status for a new Funding Request is Draft

Fiscal Year: Specifies the Fiscal Year of the Funding Request. Default is the current Fiscal Year.

Workflow Originator: Specifies the user that originally started the workflow for the Funding Request review.

Currency: Indicates the currency of the Funding Request. It will be populated automatically with the currency of the Project associated to this FR. It cannot be edited.

Nature of Funding Request: Notes that describe the nature of the FR.

Associated Business Entity (system recommended setting)

Project: specifies the project associated with the current FR. The projects available for selection must be implementation projects which have at least one planning projects in the “Is Approved Capital Plan” scenarios(s). Click on the Lookup icon Magnifier and select the desirable project from the popped up window.

If the project is changed, the FR Line Item grid will be refreshed with the most current financial scoping data (Total Scoping and Current Scoping) of the newly selected project from the “Is Approved Capital Plan” scenario of the latest cycle and the UTD accumulated budget data.

It is recommended to prohibit change of the project field via access control configuration once the FR is submitted for review via a workflow.

Please note: The system recommended associated business entity is "Project". However, it may not be loaded on the page by default.  If the project field is missing and there is no other business entity on the page, please contact your system administrator for proper configuration.

Funding Request Line Items (structured with system recommended setting)


Below fields are recommended to include in an FR line item. The FR Line Item structure can be customized if the existing structure does not meet your requirements. The system also supports further break down of an FR line item (split an FR line item). This feature is not enabled by default.   For further information, please contact your system administrator.

Object Code: the line item rollup attribute associated with both the scoping and budget data of the line item. Scoping data and budget data of the line item is rolled up and calculated based on this attribute. In order for scoping and budget data to be rolled up correctly, object code must be an attribute of both the financial scoping detail and the budget line item entities. Although other line item roll up attribute can be configured, but the same principle should be followed.

Current Scoping:  the approved Project Cost Type Scoping Amount under the Current project scoping scenario of the “Is Approved Capital Plan” scenario of the corresponding cycle. It equals to the Previous Amount + scoping amount of the fiscal years in the corresponding cycle up to the current fiscal year. This is a read-only calculated field. Click on the number in the cell and you will be directed to the financial scoping detail page of the associated project.

Total Scoping: the approved Project Cost Type Scoping Amount under the Current project scoping scenario of the “Is Approved Capital Plan” scenario of the corresponding cycle. It equals to the scoping line item Total Amount. This is a read-only calculated field. Click on the number in the cell and you will be directed to the financial scoping detail page of the associated project.

UTD Budget: the up-to-date approved budget amount; this is a read-only calculated field. Click on the number in the cell and you will be directed to the Financial summary tab of the associated project.

Funding Request:  specifies the FR amount of the current line item

Total Funding: the sum of the UTD budget and Funding Request of the current line item. This is a read-only calculated field.

Fund: specifies the funding source of the FR amount of the current line item. Click on the lookup icon to select the desirable fund from the popped up window.

Notes: notes associated with the current line item. Click on the textbox to edit the notes; or click on the edit icon editnotes to edit notes a larger text area.

You can perform below operations on FR line items:

Add a Row: To add a row to the line item grid, click on the Add icon AddRow located at the upper left hand corner of the grid. To add multiple rows, enter the number of rows to be added in the textbox right next to the Add icon, and then click on the add icon AddRow.

Remove a Row: To remove a row from the line item grid, simply click on the Remove icon Delete located in the row header.

Change Order: To adjust the order a row, drag and drop the order Move icon move located in the row header.

How an FR is affected by Scoping and Budget Data Changes

Before an FR is approved or rejected, the FR line item grid will always contain the most current scoping and budget data. If the associated project scoping data is modified, Cycle/Scenario/Current project scoping scenario is changed, or the budget data is modified (provided that these modifications are approved), the changes below will be made to the original FR line items:

Scoping/Budget data of line items with the same Line Item Rollup Attribute will be updated.

If existing line item is removed after the modification, the FR line item shall remain.

New line item(s) that weren’t initially in the FR will be added automatically (e.g. the scoping data after change contains a line item with a new object code that didn’t exist in the FR, that line item will be added automatically to the FR)

Once an FR has been approved or rejected, the scoping and budget data will be locked to the version of numbers when the FR is approved or rejected.

Click on the Save button to save the changes made to the FR.
Click on the Delete button to remove the current FR from the system. A dialog will prompt you to confirm the deletion. Click OK to confirm or Cancel to abort the operation.
Click on the Cancel button to abort the changes made to the FR. You will be directed to the Browse Funding Requests page.

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