Map Layer Manager

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You can manage map layers loaded into the GIS application at ease with the help of Map Layer Manager.


Manage Map Layers


GIS Map Layer Manager

Click on the Map Layer Manager menu to browse all the map layers currently loaded into the GIS application.


Map layers are categorized into three groups: Business Layers, Feature Layers and Base Layers.


Business layers represent CIPAce entity records associated with one or several location shape on the map.


Feature layers are shape files/feature services loaded from ArcGIS server, which usually contain elementary geo-data sets such as street center lines, manholes, water bodies, etc.


Base layers are image map services loaded from public map service providers, such as Google Maps, or from a particular client.


In the Map Layer Manager, you can:


Toggle the visibility of each layer by clicking on the On/Off icon in front of each layer.

Expand/Collapse the layer groups (Business/Feature/Base Layers) by clicking on the Expand/Collapse icon in front of each layer group name.

Set the opacity of a layer by clicking on the Opacity icon at the end of each layer/layer group if available.

GIS Map Layer Manager Set Opacity



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