Import Budget

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Navigate Here: Financials > Budget > Create Budget > Import Budget


On the Import Budget page, you can import budget data into the CIPAce application from an excel file in correct format.




First, you can get the excel file format by clicking the Get Import Excel Format link.


You can specify a fiscal period in Fiscal Year From and Fiscal Year To in which there may exist missing budget line items relative to the imported budget data.  You will be required to perform further operation on those missing records.  Fiscal Year can be selected from 2000/01 to 2009/10. By default, Fiscal Year From and Fiscal Year To will display 2000/01.


You can upload an excel file by clicking the Browse button, and then click the Import button.  The system will display a page which lists “Records Pending to be Imported”, “Failed Import Records ”, “Duplicate Records ” and “Missing Records” for further operations.


1. Records Pending to be Imported: The normal budget data that can be imported successfully.


2. Failed Import Records: The budget data that can not be imported for now.  Cause of failure will be displayed in the table.  In this case, you should amend the budget data in the excel file and perform import again for those data.


3. Duplicate Records: The to-be-imported budget data duplicate the existing budget data in the system. You can select Replace, Append or Ignore to deal with the existing budget data.


Replace means the existing one will be replaced by the new one.

Append means to augment the amount of the existing one.

Ignore means retaining the existing one while the new one will not be saved.


4. Missing Records: The existing budget data that are not contained in the to-be-imported budget data. You can select either Unchanged or Clear to deal with the existing budget data.


Unchanged means the existing one will remain unchanged in the system.

Clear means the existing one will be included into the budget being created by import but its budget amount will be set to zero while its approval date will be updated to the current date when performing import.


You can perform further operations on Duplicate Records and Missing Records, and click the Continue button to import the qualified budget data into the CIPAce application.  Otherwise, only the Records Pending to be Imported will be imported.


Notes: In the following situations, budget data can not be imported:


1. Project ID/Fund ID/Department Code/Object Code/Account Code does not exist in the system. Department Code, Object Code and Account Code are Budget Account String.

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