Manage Linked Assets

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Navigate Here: Project > Browse Project > Click a project > Assets Tab > Click the Edit link of an asset


You can update the information for tracking an asset on the Linked Assets Management page.




The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


Closure Status*: The closure status for the asset.  The options are: Partial, Final, Reopened, or Canceled.


Closure Date*: The closure date for the asset.


Asset Tag Number: If the user uses tags to track assets, enter the tag number assigned to the asset. Asset Management performs physical inventory using the asset tag number.


Asset Tagged Indicator: Select whether or not the asset has a tag indicator by selecting either Yes or No.


Click the Save button to save the changes and the system will go to the Project Assets Management page.


Click the Cancel button to undo the changes and the system will go to the Project Assets Management page.


Click the Unlink button to remove the association with the project and the system will go to the Project Assets Management page.

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