My Account

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Navigate Here: Workspace > My Account


You can view and modify your account details on the My Account page.






You can modify the general information for your account including User Login Name, First Name, Last Name, Prefix, Email, Hourly Rate and Default Currency on the My Account page .


Click the Save button to save the changes.


Click the Reset button to clear the latest input of changes.


Change Password


Click the Change Password button to change the login password. The system will open the Change Password pop-up window:


Change Password 680


If the user has an old password, he needs to enter the Old Password first, and then enter the New Password & Confirm New Password, then click the OK button to save the new password and return to the My Account page. Otherwise, he only needs to enter the New Password & Confirm New Password as shown below.






To view delegation information related to the current user, click on the Delegation tab.





Delegation To: Lists all delegation rules having the current user as the trustor. The following information will be displayed in the table:


Delegation Type: Specifies the type of the delegation, Full or Partial

Entity: The entities related to the delegation rule. For a full delegation, “All” will be displayed to indicate the delegation include all entities.

Status: Specifies the status of the delegation, Active or Inactive

Effective From: The starting date of the effective period of the delegation rule

Effective To: The ending date of the effective period of the delegation rule


Click on the Add icon Add to add a delegation rule using the current user as the trustor. You will be directed to the Add Delegation Rule page. The Delegate From field of the page will be set to the current user and will not be editable.


Delegate From: Lists all delegation rules having the current user as the trustee. The following information will be displayed in the table:


Delegation Type: Specifies the type of the delegation, Full or Partial

Entity: The entities related to the delegation rule. For a full delegation, “All” will be displayed to indicate the delegation include all entities.

Delegate From: The trustor of the delegation rule

Status: Specifies the status of the delegation, Active or Inactive

Effective From: The starting date of the effective period of the delegation rule

Effective To: The ending date of the effective period of the delegation rule


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