Status Management

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Navigate Here: Utilities > Dropdown List Management > Status Management


Browse Statuses



You can configure the available options in status dropdown lists of various areas in the system on the Browse Statuses page, such as projects, purchase orders, contracts, etc.  These statuses will also be use in workflow design where applicable.




Select a status type from the Status Type Name dropdown list, and the status options of the select status type will display.  A system status is marked True in the Is System column and cannot be deleted.  However, you can add or delete a custom status.


Click the Delete icon Delete to delete a status.  If a status cannot delete, the Delete icon will be inactive.



Add Status


Click the Add icon Add and the system will go to the Add Status page.




To add a status, fill in the following fields:


The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


Status Type Name*: Type of the status.  You can select it either on the Browse Statuses page or select here on the dropdown list.


Status ID*: ID of the status.  The status ID is auto-generated.


Status Name*: Name of the status.


System Status – Business Logic*: Business logic of the status.  The status will have the same system and business logic behaviors as the selected system status.


Status – Access Control Settings*: Access control settings of the status.  The status will have the same initial access control settings as the selected status.


Notes: Description of the status.


Click the Save button to save the new status.


Click the Reset button to clear the inputs.


Click the Cancel button to return to the Browse Statuses page without adding the new status.


Edit Status


Click the Edit icon Edit of a status on the Browse Statuses page and the system will go to the Status Management page of that status.




Click the Save button to save the changes.


Click the Delete button to delete the status.  If the status cannot be deleted, the Delete button will be inactive.


Click the Cancel button to return to the Browse Statuses page without adding the new status.



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