Synchronize Analytics Data

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The purpose of Analytics Data Synchronization is to update the Analytics Database from the CIPAce database. You should complete the synchronization before the Report Designer uses this feature for the first time and each time the Report Viewer views an analytics report.




The table on the screen lists all pre-defined cubes in the CIPAce system with their Last Synchronization Start time and Last Synchronization Finish time.


You can synchronize specified cubes by checking the checkboxes and clicking the Synchronize Selected Cubes button or synchronize the whole database by clicking the Synchronize Database button.


When you click on the Synchronize Selected Cubes button or the Synchronize Database button, the synchronization will begin and the Last Synchronization Start time will be updated to the start time and the and Last Synchronization Finish time will be blank.  When complete the synchronization, you can refresh the page and the system will update the Last Synchronization Finish time to the complete time.


The synchronization time depends on the size of your database and the performance of your database server.

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