Add Change Order

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Navigate Here: Implementation > Change Order Management > Add Change Order or

        Implementation > Change Order Management > Browse Change Orders, click the Add icon Add or

        Implementation > Contracts > Browse Contracts; select a contract > CO tab; click the Add icon Add or

        Projects > Browse Implementation Projects; select a project > RFP tab; click Add icon Add


You can add a CO on Add Change Order page.




To add a CO, first provide the general information by filling in the following fields:


The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


Primary Project*: Browse and select the particular implementation project for which the CO is created by clicking Magnifier. After adding a CO, its primary project cannot be changed again.


Primary Contract*: Browse and select the particular contract for which the CO is created by clicking Magnifier, only those contracts in Approved status are available for selection. After adding a CO, its primary contract cannot be changed again.


Contractor*: Browse and select the contractor which is associated with the CO by clicking Magnifier. Once Primary Contract is specified, Contractor will be auto pre-filled with Prime Contractor’s ID & Name of the specified contract. After adding a CO, its contractor cannot be changed again. If a contractor is not in the list, you can add it in Add Vendor.


Issue Date*: The date when the CO is issued. By default is the current date.


Status*: The initial status is always set to Draft when adding a new CO.


Contact Name: The contact person for the CO.


Authorization Status Date: The date when the CO is approved or rejected. It is normally auto updated by workflow process, but if workflow is deactivated, user can manually edit.


CO ID*: A unique ID for the CO. It is auto generated and cannot be edited.


Subject*: Subject of this CO.


Reason for Change: The change reason for this CO.


Description of Change: The brief description of this CO.


Once you've finished adding, you can click the Save & Load Change Order Request Line Item button to automatically load all approved COR Line Items into this new CO if the COR Line Items are under the same primary project & contract. Or you can click the Save button to save the new CO without loading any existing COR Line Items. You will be directed to the Edit Change Order page after the new CO has been saved successfully.

You can click the Cancel button to abort the current operation and go to the Browse Change Orders page or return to the original entrance.

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