Add Resource

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There are two ways to add a resource. One is through the Add Resource page, the other is with an option when adding a user.


You can add a resource on the Add Resource page.


Navigate Here: Resource > Resources > Add Resource or

Implementation > Vendors > Browse Vendors; select a vendor > Resources tab; Add Resource




To add a resource, fill in the following fields:


The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


Resource ID*: The ID of the resource.  It must be unique.


Resource Name*: The name of the resource.  It does not have to be unique.


Associated User: You may browse and select a user in the system to be associated with the resource being added by clicking Associate.  If the resource is associated with a user, they will share the common information of the following fields: Resource Name (First Name + Last Name of the User), Department and Email.  When association happens, the above fields will be synced with the corresponding fields in User Management and cannot be edited here. Notes: User and Resource are a one-one relationship.  If a user is already associated with a resource, it cannot be associated with another. When the User Name and Email of a user are modified, the updated values will be synchronized to its associated resource and they cannot be edited in Resource Management page.


Resource Type*: The type of the resource.  There are two types in the system: Labor and Equipment. By default is Labor.


Department: You may browse and select a department the resource belongs to by clicking Magnifier.  Department can be configured in Dropdown List Management.


Vendor: You may browse and select a vendor the resource belongs to by clicking Magnifier.  You can add a vendor in Add Vendor.  If you enter the Add Resource page from the Resources tab of a vendor, this field is that vendor's name by default, you can't edit.


Role: You may browse and select multiple roles for the resource by clicking Magnifier.  Roles can be configured in Classification Management.


Skill: You may browse and select multiple skills for the resource by clicking Magnifier. Skills can be configured in Classification Management.


Status: There are two statuses: Active and Inactive.  Active indicates the resource is available, while Inactive indicates it is unavailable.  An inactive resource cannot be assigned to projects.


Note: Description of the resource.


Rates: You can specify the rates for using the resource in standard hours, overtime hours and cost per use. Standard Rate and Overtime Rate are defaulted by Application Settings.  You can set more rates for selection in the Custom Rates field.  Enter the Name and Rate, and specify how the rate is measured: Per Use or Per Hour.  System will save the custom-made rates when you click the Save button.  You can add or remove a custom-made rate by clicking addrow or deleterow.  This section is collapsible.  You can constrict or expand the contents of this section by clicking Up or Down beside the section title.


Contact Info: You may enter the contact info of the resource, including: Business Phone, Fax, Mobile Phone, Email etc.


Click the Save button to save the new resource and the system will go to the Browse Resources page.


Click the Save & Add button to save the new resource and add another one.


Click the Cancel button to withdraw the current operation and return to the Browse Resources page.

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