Asset Work Order Maintenance

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This page displays all work orders associated with the asset by Work Order and Work Order History.  If the status of the work order is Estimate or Work in Progress, it is in the Work Order table. If the status is Finished or Ignored, it is in the Work Order History table.




A brief summary of each work order displays in the Work Order table. The summary includes Work Order ID, Status, Estimate Start Date, Estimate Finished Date, Estimate Cost, Worker, and Description. You may sort the work orders by clicking the linked column headers. If there are too many records to display, you can use the navigation control to view another page.


A brief summary of each work order displays in the Work Order History table. The summary includes Work Order ID, Status, Start Date, Finished Date, Actual Cost, Worker, and Description. You may sort the history work orders by clicking a column header. If there are too many records to display, you can use the navigation control to view another page.


Click the Work Order ID of a work order and the system will open the Update Work Order page of that work order.


Click the Add icon Add and the system will go to the Add Work Order page.

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