Manage Project Risks

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Navigate Here: Projects > Browse Planning Projects; select a Project > Click the Risks tab

Projects > Browse Implementation Projects; select a Project > Click the Risks tab


You can browse and manage the risks associated with the current implementation project on the Risks tab page.




A brief summary of each risk displays in the table.  The summary includes Risk ID, Risk Title, Risk Type, Probability, Impact, and Risk Status.  You may sort the risks by clicking the linked column header.  If there are too many records to display in one page, you can use the navigation control to view another page, or you may increase the number of records per page.  If Include Sub Projects checkbox is checked, risks of the sub projects will be displayed in the table as well.


Click the Risk ID or Risk Title link of one of the records and the system will open the Risk Management page for the selected item.


Click the Add Risk link and the system will open the Add Risk page where you can add a risk for the current project.

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