Manage Solicitation Schedules

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Navigate Here: Implementation > Solicitation Management > Browse Solicitations, select a solicitation > Schedules tab


You can browse and manage the solicitation schedules on Solicitation Management page - Schedules tab.




The Solicitation Schedule management is the similar to Project Schedule except the functions in the Browse Solicitation Tasks page as shown below.


Navigate Here: Implementation > Tasks > Browse Solicitation Tasks




You can quickly find the solicitation tasks you want by using the search function.  Enter the search conditions in the search fields and click the Search button.  The solicitation tasks will be filtered and the table will show the records that match the search conditions.  Click the Reset button to clear the latest input search conditions.


A brief summary of each solicitation task is displayed in the table.  The summary includes Solicitation, Schedule, Task ID - Name, Status, Start Date, Finish Date and % Complete. The records are sorted by Task ID by default but you can also sort them by clicking other underlined column headers.  If there are too many records to display on one page, you can use the navigation control to view the other pages.


In the table, click the icon Edit in the Edit column of each row and the system will open the schedule Gantt Chart with Task Information in a popup screen of the corresponding solicitation task.


You can click the Export Data Source icon export on the top left corner of the table to export data to an Excel file by pre-defined data source.  The Export Data dialog will pop up for you to select a data source and click the Export button to download the output file.


You can click the Import Data icon ExcelImport and the system will open the Import Excel Data page for you to upload data from an Excel file as new solicitation schedule tasks by a pre-defined Excel data template.


You can export the selected solicitation tasks to an Excel file by clicking the Export Data icon ExcelOutput and the Export Entity Data dialog will pop up.  In Export Entity Data dialog, you can select or edit a pre-defined Excel data template and click the Export button to download the output file.

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