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Navigate Here: Financials > Purchase Orders > Browse Purchase Orders; select a PO > Line Items tab; Move to PO Line Items section.


You can only add and edit PO Line Items when the PO Status is Open. After the PO has been Approved, you cannot edit its line items again but can view Line Item Detail.




You can add PO line items in any of the following ways:


1. Enter a number in the textbox located at the upper left hand of the table and then click the Add icon AddRow in front of it.  The specified number of blank PO line items will be inserted for you to edit.


2. Click AddRow at the beginning of a PO line item.  A blank line item will be inserted for you to edit.


3. Click the Duplicate icon duplicate at the beginning of a PO line item.  A new PO line item will be copied from this PO line item and inserted below for you to edit.


4. Load source line items by clicking the Load From buttons: For example, click on the Load from SOV Item button to pop up SOV item look up window, make your selection and click the OK button, then new PO line items will be created with these SOV Items.




PO line items are in viewing mode by default.  To edit a PO line item, click the Edit icon EditLineItem at the front of the row or double-clicking the line item.


Line No.: PO line item number.  It must be unique within the PO.


Bid Spec No.: The specification number of the related solicitation line item if applicable.


SOV Item: Schedule of Value item that describes the work.  Browse and select a SOV Item by clicking Magnifier.


Item Description: PO line item description.


(Sub-)Contractor: The Vendor that performs the work of the line item.  Browse and select a vendor by clicking Magnifier.


Unit: The unit of the work for the line item.


Unit Price, Quantity and Amount: The initial values of the PO line item.


Latest Unit Price, Quantity and Amount: The latest values of the PO line item.  It is the sum of initial value plus change order values.


Paid Amount: The current paid amount of the PO line item.  It is the sum of all invoice payments linked to this PO line item.


Once you finish editing a PO line item, click the Update icon ok at the front of the line.  If you want to discard the edit, click the Cancel icon redo.


You can remove a PO line item by clicking the Remove icon DeleteRow at the front of the line.


You can quickly find the PO line items you want by clicking the Search icon Search.  A popup window will be displayed, where you can enter search conditions in the search fields and click the Search button.  The PO line items will be filtered and the records that match the search conditions will be showed.


You can view all the PO line items by click the Show All icon ShowAll.


You can edit PO line item(s) in batch mode in the following ways:


1. Select line item(s) and click the Batch Delete icon DeleteSelectBudget.  These line items will be deleted in a batch.


2. Select line item(s) and click the Batch Update icon BatchUpdate.  The following batch update screen will be shown.




     - You can fill in the batch update values and click the Save button at the bottom of the page to save the changes made on selected PO line items.


     - You can uncheck the “Is Updated” checkbox to deselect any unwanted values from the batch update.


     - You can force blank value to overwrite the existing values by checking the “Is Updated” checkbox of that particular field.


You can import PO line items from Excel data source by clicking the Import Data icon Import.


You can export selected PO line item(s) to Excel data source by clicking the Export Data icon ExportData.


Once you finish all operations in this page, remember to click the Save button to save all updates to PO line items, or else the updates will be lost when you close or refresh the web page.


You can view the change history of the PO line items by clicking the View Audit Trail button.  The system will then open the Browse Audit Trail Details page in a new window.



Line Item Detail




PO Line Item Detail popup screen will show different forms under different PO types by Dynamic Form configuration.


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