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This module manages detailed information for capital projects or capital project candidates throughout the entire project life cycle, from the feasibility and fundability study to the completion of the project.  The Project Management module is one of the key building blocks of CIPAce Software and has numerous functionalities built in that are interactive with other modules.  CIPAce Software enables the comprehensive management of every capital project from conceptual forming to completion and across multiple planning cycles.  The software manages the project schedule, timesheets, resources, cost estimates, and actual costs of all capital projects under one central database for easy analysis and performance review.


A project’s life cycle has two phases: Planning Phase and Implementation Phase.


Planning Phase: It includes a series of CIPAce planning processes: Scoping, Ranking, Filtering, and Fund Allocation.  In this phase, projects can be planned according to different cycles and have multiple scenarios.


Implementation Phase: Project can enter implementation phase directly or after planning phase.  It is the phase in which projects are in action.  Projects in implementation phase will be managed by the Project Management module, which can follow the project implementation process.  In this phase, projects have only one scenario and are irrelevant to cycles.


Planning Project: Planning Project is the project that is managed in Planning Phase.  One project can have multiple planning projects in different cycles and scenarios.  The Project ID will be used for building the relationship between projects in different cycles and scenarios.  A planning project always has a corresponding implementation project.  When a planning project is created, an implementation project will be automatically created for it.


Implementation Project: This is the project being managed in the Implementation Phase.  An implementation may or may not have a corresponding planning project.  Those projects which do not have corresponding planning projects are master projects or sub projects.


Summary of Content


Below is a list of the content in this chapter:


Import Project

Add Project

Browse Projects

Manage Project

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