Manage Project

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When you select a project from the Browse Projects page, the system will open the General tab (if it's a planning-level project) or Structure tab (if it's an implementation project) on the Project Management page.  From this page you can review and manage all the details related to the project.  For example, if you select the Documents tab and then upload a document, that document will automatically attach to that project.


Each tab functions slightly different from the other.  Some tabs offer great functionality where users can manage the project, making changes and saving those changes.  Other tabs are used more for summarizing details related to the project.


Most of the tabs display the same information that can be access using the main menu bar in CIPAce.  The difference is the information located under the tabs only pertains to that one project.  If you use the main menu to access the pages, you have the option to view information related to any projects you have access.


A project’s life cycle has two phases: Planning Phase and Implementation Phase.  You can select either the planning tab or implementation tab above.  When users select either of these upper tabs, the system will automatically display the related lower tabs below.


 Summary of Content


Below is a list of the content in this chapter:


Manage Planning Project

Manage Implementation Project

Planning Project General

Project Scoping

Project Ranking

Project Filtering

Project Fund Sources

Project Funding Allocation

Project Hierarchy Structure

View Project Financial

Manage Project Resources

Manage Project Statuses

Manage Project Timesheets

Manage Project Schedule

Manage Project Calendars

Manage Project Submittals

Manage Project Solicitations

Manage Project Contracts

Manage Project POs

Manage Project Invoices

Manage Project RFPs

Manage Project CORs

Manage Project COs

Manage Project Inspection Reports

Manage Project Meeting Minutes

Configure MS Project Settings

Manage Project Documents

Manage Project Risks

Manage Project Assets

Configure Project Settings

Closeout Project

Manage Project Emails

Manage Project Locations

Manage Project Conflicts


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