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A scenario represents a what-if situation of the capital improvement program based on certain assumptions.  Multiple scenarios can be constructed within a cycle based on a variety of assumptions, such as project cost, project prioritization and revenue forecast.  The multiple scenario function of the software allows users to easily perform multiple what-if analyses and prepare for contingencies.  An unlimited number of scenarios can create under one cycle.


A standard portfolio planning section that includes scoping, ranking, and filtering.  There is no specific order on what section needs to do first.  Scoping, ranking, and filtering are all used as part of an optional evaluation process designed to aid decision makers on the proper allocating of funding to all the projects listed in the system.  


However, for informative purposes, typically, each project in the system will work on scope first, and then ranking will be next followed by filtering.  The reason the ranking process may take place first is that one of the options when filtering projects requires the ranking results completed before the filtering process can happen.


Summary of Content


Below is a list of the content that can be found in this chapter:


Add Scenario

Browse Scenarios

Scenario Management

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