Add Contractor Request for Information (RFI)

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Navigate Here: Implementation > Supplier Requests > Add Contractor Request for Information or

Implementation > Supplier Requests > Browse Contractor Requests for Information; click the Add icon Add or

Projects > Browse Planning/Implementation Projects; select a project > Issues tab; click the Add New icon Add or

Implementation > Contracts > Browse Contracts; select a contract > Issues tab; click the Add New icon Add


If you access this page from Project Management Submittals tab or Contract Management Submittals tab, the Category will default to Request for Information (RFI) and the new RFI will be associated with that project or contract automatically. A relevant notice will be displayed at the top of the Add Request for Information (RFI) page.


You can add a RFI on the Add Request for Information (RFI) page.




To add a RFI, fill in the following fields:


The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


Category *: There are eleven system defined categories in the list: 30%,60%,90% Design Review, Construction Schedule, Designer Contractual Request, Designer Submittal, Issue, Other Contractor Submittal, Other Designer Submittal, Product Submittal, Request for Information (RFI), Safety Plan and Study/Analysis. When you access this page by selecting menu Add Contractor Request for Information, it shows Request for Information (RFI) by default.


Primary Project*: The primary project that the RFI is associated with. Click the lookup icon, then the system will popup a window for selecting a project.


Primary Contract*: The primary contract that the RFI is associated with. Click the lookup icon, then the system will popup a window for selecting a contract.


RFI ID*: The ID of the RFI. It is auto-generated by the system.


RFI Title*: The subject of the RFI. It does not have to be unique.


Status: Select a status for the RFI. Authorized users can add or delete a customized status in Dropdown List Management.


Date Reported*: The date when the RFI is reported. By default is the current date.


Deadline: The deadline when the RFI should be resolved. By default is X days later than Date Reported, the number X can be configured in Configure Application Settings.


Description: The description of the RFI.


Date Resolved: The date when the RFI is resolved.


Resolution: The resolution of the RFI.


Click the Save & Continue button to save the new RFI and go to the Edit RFI page of the newly added RFI where you can add related information of the RFI.


Click the Save & Add button to save the new RFI and add another one.


Click the Cancel button to abort the current operation. The system will go to the Browse Requests for Information (RFIs) page. If you access this page fromProject Management Issues tab or Contract Management Submittals tab, the system will return to that page then.


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