Edit Solicitation Response

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Navigate Here: Implementation > Solicitation Management > Browse Solicitations, select a solicitation > Responses tab, select a response


You can edit a solicitation response on the Edit Solicitation Response page.





To edit the general information of a solicitation response, fill in the following fields:


The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


Response ID: The ID of the solicitation response.  It is read-only and will be automatically generated by the system in sequence.


Bid Package File: You can click the Select File button to select a bid package file (Excel file only) from your local PC directories for upload when saving the new response.  The files pending for upload will be displayed under the button, and you can clear them by clicking the Clear List icon clearselect and select again. Note, the uploaded bid package file will overwrite all questions and quotes in the current response.


Upload Documents: You can click the Select File button to select multiple documents from your local PC directories for uploading when saving the new response.  The files pending for upload will be displayed under the button, and you can clear all of them by clicking the Clear List icon clearselect and select again.


Prime Contractor*: The prime contractor of the solicitation response.


Status: The status of the response.  It is Draft by default, you can select another status from the dropdown list.


Modified By: The user who updated the response.


Modified On: The date when the response has been updated.


Calculated Score: The calculated score for the current response, it is for reference only.


Actual Score: The actual score for the current response, it will be used for ranking purpose.


You can manage subcontractors in the current response in the Subcontractor section.


     Click Add icon add-small to add new subcontractor in the Add Subcontractor popup window or click View icon view to update an existing subcontractor in the Edit Subcontractor popup window.


The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


Subcontractor*: Browse and select the subcontractor for the current solicitation response by clicking Magnifier, the system will open the Vendor lookup view for your selection.


Description: The description of the subcontractor.


You can manage questions and quotes in the Bid Response Details section.  Besides, there are two special scenarios:


1)If there is any update on the solicitation questions or quotes after this response has been created, the system will show an alert message as below.  You can click the icon i_refresh@22x20 to synchronize the current response to the latest solicitation questions and quotes. The response must be saved after the synchronization.




2)If any bid package uploading process is still running, the section will be locked and a progress percentage will be shown instead.  Once the uploading process is done, the section will become editable again.




Once you've finished editing, click the Save button to save the solicitation response.


You can click the Delete button to delete the response.  A dialog will prompt for confirmation before the response can be deleted from the system.  The system will then go to the Solicitation Responses tab page.


You can click the Cancel button to abort the current operation and go to the Solicitation Responses tab page.

You can click the Create Contract button to promote the current response to a new contract, the system will direct into Add Contract screen with mapping fields automatically populated.

You can click the Generate Bid Package button to download the bid package file in Excel format specialized for this response.

If solicitation response related workflow is activated, you can click the Start Workflow button to initiate the workflow or Forecast button to see the workflow activities’ detail.  Documents can be attached to the workflow tasks by uploading them from your local PC folders.





The document(s) associated with the current response display in the table.  A brief summary of each related document includes Document ID, Document Name, Created By, Last Modified Time, and Is Checked Out (These columns can be configured by Dynamic View).  You may sort the records by clicking the linked column header.


Normally the uploaded bid package files will be shown in this document association view automatically.


You can download document file(s) associated with the current response by clicking DocumentDownload.


You can view detailed information of a document by clicking view.  The system will open the Document Management page of the document in a new window.




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