Analytics Management

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Analytics Reports allows CIPAce users to make use of the CIPAce data to define and generate real-time analytics reports, which are graphical and statistical reports that can present the status and measure the performance of CIPAce planning and project management of the organization from strategic or operational perspective.


CIPAce users who use this feature fall into two categories:


Report Designer: Creates and maintains custom analytics reports.  This person is usually a system administrator who has decent IT knowledge and skills.

Report Viewer: Views the reports created by the report designer.  This person is usually a regular system user.


The Report Designer should have a good understanding of the following terms:





A cube is a set of related measures and dimensions to analyze data.

Measure & Measure Group

A measure is a fact, which is a transactional value or measurement that a user may want to aggregate.  Measures are sourced from columns in one or more source tables, and are grouped into measure groups.

Dimension & Dimension Hierarchy

A dimension is a group of attributes that represent an area of interest related to the measures in the cube to analyze the measures in the cube. For example, Project may include Project ID, Project Name, Department, Program, Account Number, Contact Person, and so on.  Attributes are sourced from columns in one or more source tables.  You can organize the attributes within each dimension into hierarchies to provide paths for analysis.


A chart category group is similar to a matrix dynamic column group.


A chart series group is similar to a matrix dynamic row group.


Summary of Content


Below is a list of the content that can be found in this chapter:


Understanding on Analytics Report

Create Analytics Report

Browse Analytics Reports

Manage Analytics Report

View Analytics Report

Synchronize Analytics Data

Manage Analytics Structure

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