Edit Design Review General

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Navigate Here: Implementation > Designer Submittals > Browse Design Reviews> select a Design Review


This page is composed of two tab pages including the General tab page and Documents tab page.




General Information


To edit the general information, update any of the following fields:


The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


Primary Project*: The primary project that the Design Review is associated with. It is read-only (configurable on Access Control).


Primary Contract*: The primary contract that the Design Review is associated with. It is read-only (configurable on Access Control).


DRV ID*: The ID of the Design Review. It is auto-generated by the system and not editable.


DRV Title*: The subject of the Design Review. It does not have to be unique.


Type: Select a type for the Design Review. Authorized users can add or delete a type in Dropdown List Management.


Status: Select a status for the Design Review. Authorized users can add or delete a customized status in Dropdown List Management.


Priority: Select an urgency level for the Design Review from one of the following three options: High, Medium, Low. By default is Medium.


Date Reported*: The date when the Design Review is reported.


Deadline: The deadline when the Design Review should be resolved.


Description: The description of the Design Review.


Date Resolved: The date when the Design Review is resolved.


Resolution: The resolution of the Design Review.


Click the Save & Continue button to save the changes and continue editing at the same page. The page will refresh and display the updated data.


Click the Delete button to delete the Design Review. The Status will be triggered to Deleted and you cannot view this Design Review on the Browse Design Reviews page.


Click the Cancel button to abort the current operation. The system will go to the Browse Design Reviews page.


Click the View Audit Trail button to view the change history of the current Design Review. The system will open the Browse Audit Trail Details page in a new window.


Click the Print button to open the Generate Dynamic Document page where you can print the current Design Review in Word or PDF format.


Click the Notify button to notify people about the Design Review information. The system will then go to the Send Notification page.


Click the Submit button to trigger the workflow if a Design Review workflow has been defined and set to Active.


Comment Section


  The Comment Section allows you to directly add your comments against the current entity via the page.

  Users can enter their comments through clicking on the Add iconAdd to pop up the Add Public Comment window:





  Enter your comment words into the *Comment field and then click the Save button to submit your comments or Cancel to abort the changes.

  Note: This is a required field, that is, the Save action for a blank comment will be invalid.


After the save action, the submitted comments will be listed in the data grid of the comment section, illustrating who has created the comment in the Commented By column; when the comment is created in the Commented On column and contents of the comment in the Comment column respectively.


If there are too many comment records to be shown in the data grid, you can use the navigation control for the page-switching or change the number of displaying records per page.


Besides, you can quickly find the desired comments by using the search function above the data grid. Specify the Commented On and/or the Commented By criteria and click on the Search button. Filtered records which match the search criteria will then list in the data grid for your reference. You can also click on the Reset button to redefine the search criteria.




  You can click the Edit icon Edit in the View column to further edit the comment.

  Note: You will be only allowed to edit the comments that you create. The Save button will be disabled if the current log-in user is not equal to the person who submits the comment.


In the Edit Public Comment popup, modify the comment in the Comment filed, then click the Save button to confirm your modifications. The Commented On field will be updated every time when the Save button is pressed.

You can also click the Delete to delete the comment, or Cancel to abort the modifications.




The Comment section will also support Excel Import and Export functions, which facilitate the batching function for comments. The checkbox beside each comment record is available for selecting specific records to export. Check the checkbox for corresponding records that you want to export and then click the Export Data iconOutput  in the upper left corner of the data grid to export requested comments, the system will popup an Export Entity Data window for you to specify a template to export. Please refer to Excel Data Template for more information.




For the Import, click the Import Data iconExcelImport in the upper left corner of the data grid to go to the Excel Import Data page, select a template from the Template field dropdown and then upload the excel file through the Browse button in the Upload File filed for a further import. For more information, please refer to the Import Excel Data page.




Related Information


You can add and edit related information of the current Design Review. Each subsection is collapsible. You can collapse or expand the contents of the subsection by clicking on Up or Down beside the section title. By default, all subsections are expanded.


Submitted By


Submitted By is the person(s) submitting the Design Review. It is tied to system Resources.


A brief summary of each Submitted By resource displays in the table. The summary includes Resource ID, Resource Name, Resource Type, Department, Associated User ID, Vendor Name, and Status (these data columns are configurable by Dynamic View). You may sort the records by clicking on the linked column header.


You can view the detailed information of a resource by clicking on view. The system will open the Resource Management page of the resource in a new window.


You can associate resource(s) as Submitted By with the current Design Review by clicking on Associate. The system will pop up a window for selecting resource(s), listing all Active and Labor type resources in the system except those that are already associated with the current Design Review as Submitted By. Notes: If the user who added the  Design Review is an existing resource, the system will default this resource as Submitted by.


You can disassociate resource(s) as Submitted By from the current Design Review by selecting the resource(s) and clicking on DisAssociate.


Assigned To


Assigned To is the person(s) designated to resolve the Design Review. It is tied to system Resources.


A brief summary of each Assigned To resource displays in the table. The summary includes Resource ID, Resource Name, Resource Type, Department, Associated User ID, Vendor Name, and Status (these data columns are configurable by Dynamic View). You may sort the records by clicking on the linked column header.


You can view the detailed information of a resource by clicking on view. The system will open the Resource Management page of the resource in a new window.


You can associate resource(s) as Assigned To with the current Design Review by clicking on Associate. The system will pop up a window for selecting resource(s), listing all Active and Labor type resources in the system except those that are already associated with the current Design Review as Assigned To.


You can disassociate resource(s) as Assigned To from the current Design Review by selecting the resource(s) and clicking on DisAssociate.


Resolved By


Resolved By is the person(s) resolving the Design Review. It ties to system Resources.


A brief summary of each Resolved By resource displays in the table. The summary includes Resource ID, Resource Name, Resource Type, Department, Associated User ID, Vendor Name, and Status (these data columns are configurable by Dynamic View). You may sort the records by clicking the linked column header.


You can view the detailed information of a resource by clicking on view. The system will open the Resource Management page of the resource in a new window.


You can associate resource(s) as Resolved By with the current  Design Review by clicking on Associate. The system will pop up a window for selecting resource(s), listing all Active and Labor type resources in the system except those that are already associated with the current Design Review as Resolved By.


You can disassociate resource(s) as Resolved By from the current Design Review by selecting the resource(s) and clicking on DisAssociate.




The project(s) associated with the current Design Review display in the table. A brief summary of each related project includes Project ID, Project Name, Department, and Program Name (these data columns are configurable by Dynamic View). You may sort the records by clicking the linked column header.


You can view the detailed information of a project by clicking on view. The system will open the Project Management page of the project in a new window.


You can associate project(s) with the current  Design Review by clicking on Associate. The system will pop up a window for selecting project(s), listing all non-closeout projects in the system except those that are already associated with the current Design Review.


You can disassociate project(s) with the current Design Review by selecting the project(s) and clicking on DisAssociate. The Primary Project cannot be disassociated.




The contract(s) associated with the current Design Review display in the table. A brief summary of each related contract includes Contract No., Contract Name, Type of Service, Contract Status, Signed Date, and Prime Contractor (these data columns are configurable by Dynamic View). You may sort the records by clicking the linked column header.


You can view the detailed information of a contract by clicking on view. The system will open the Contract Management page of the contract in a new window.


You can associate contract(s) with the current Design Review by clicking on Associate. The system will pop up a window for selecting contract(s), listing all non-closed contracts in the system except those that are already associated with the current Design Review.


You can disassociate contract(s) with the current Design Review by selecting the contract(s) and clicking on DisAssociate. The Primary Contract cannot be disassociated.




The Project.Task(s) associated with the current Design Review are displayed in the table. A brief summary of each related Project.Task includes: Project, Task Name, Start Date, Finish Date and Percent Completed (these data columns are configurable by Dynamic View). You may sort the records by clicking the linked column header.


You can view the detailed information of a Project.Task by clicking on view. The system will open the Manage Schedule page of the Project in a new window.


You can associate Project.Task(s) with the current Design Review by clicking on Associate. The system will pop up a window for selecting Project.Task(s), listing all Project.Tasks in the system except those that are already associated with the current Design Review.


You can disassociate Project.Task(s) with the current Design Review by selecting the Project.Task(s) and clicking on DisAssociate.




The Contract.Task(s) associated with the current Design Review are displayed in the table. A brief summary of each related Contract.Task includes: Contract, Task Name, Start Date, Finish Date and Percent Completed (these data columns are configurable by Dynamic View). You may sort the records by clicking the linked column header.


You can view the detailed information of a Contract.Task by clicking on view. The system will open the Manage Schedule page of the Contract in a new window.


You can associate Contract.Task(s) with the current Design Review by clicking on Associate. The system will pop up a window for selecting Contract.Task(s), listing all Contract.Tasks in the system except those that are already associated with the current Design Review.


You can disassociate Contract.Task(s) with the current Design Review by selecting the Contract.Task(s) and clicking on DisAssociate.


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