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Workflow capabilities enable you to efficiently automate the flow of information throughout your enterprise, crossing both application and functional boundaries.


Workflow Technology consists of a powerful set of tools that enables you to automate time-consuming business processes and deliver the right information to the right people at the right time.


You can merge the activities of multiple users into flexible business processes to increase efficiency, cut costs, and keep up with rapidly changing customer and competitive challenges.


Many of the tasks that you perform throughout the day are part of larger tasks that involve several steps and several people. For example, when you order supplies, you are really initiating an approval process: someone else reviews the order and either approves or denies it. If the order is approved, a purchase order is sent to the vendor. If it is denied, notification is sent back to the person who submitted the original order. The term workflow refers to this larger process.


Using Workflow Technology requires you to define, step by step, your business processes.


Summary of Content


Below is a list of the content that can be found in this chapter:


Browse Workflow Process Types

Add Workflow Process Type

Edit Workflow Process Type

Define Workflow Process

Workflow Email Review

Workflow Instance Management

Workflow Task Management

View Task List By Current User

View Workflow Forecast

View Workflow Logs

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