Edit RFP General

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Navigate Here: Implementation > Change Order Management > Browse Requests for Proposal; select a RFP or

Implementation > Contracts > Browse Contracts; select a contract > RFP tab; select a RFP or

Projects > Browse Implementation Projects; select a project > RFP tab; select a RFP


You can edit a RFP general information on Edit Request for Proposal page - General tab.




The operations allowed are determined by the RFP Status. There are four statuses: Draft, Under Review, Approved and Rejected.


Draft: Indicates the initial phase when the RFP is being facilitated. Under this status, you can edit RFP general information, delete the RFP, and add/edit/delete RFP line items.


Under Review: Indicates that the RFP is in a review process. This status is normally used by workflow process automatically.


Approved: Indicates that the RFP is authorized to be in effect. Under this status, RFP general information and its line items cannot be modified again, but its line items can be loaded by subsequent change process (e.g. COR).


Rejected: Indicates that the RFP is void. You can change the RFP for review again as in Draft status.


General Information


General information can be edited when the RFP Status is Draft, Under Review or Rejected.


The required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).


Change Order Type*: Default is Change Order. It is read-only in edit mode.


Primary Project*: The particular implementation project for which the RFP has been created. It is read-only in edit mode.


Primary Contract*: The particular contract for which the RFP has been created. It is read-only in edit mode.


Contractor*: The contractor which is associated with the RFP. It is read-only in edit mode.


Issue Date*: The date when the RFP is issued.


Status*: The status of the RFP. It is normally auto updated by workflow process. If workflow is deactivated, user can manually edit.


Contact Name: The contact person for the RFP.


Authorization Status Date: The date when the RFP is approved or rejected. It is normally auto updated by workflow process. If workflow is deactivated, user can manually edit.


RFP ID*: A unique ID for the RFP. It is auto generated and cannot be edited.


Subject*: Subject of this RFP.


Reason for Change: The change reason for this RFP.


Description of Change: The brief description of this RFP.


Original Amount: The initial amount of the primary contract. It is always read-only.


Current Amount: The latest amount of the primary contract. It is always read-only.


Prior Adjustment: Total adjusted amount which has been applied to the primary contract to date. It is real-time calculated by the system as [Current Amount - Original Amount] and read-only.


Current Adjustment: Total adjusted amount of all line items in current RFP. It is real-time calculated by the system and read-only.


 Once you've finished editing, click the Save button to save the RFP.

You can click the Delete button to delete the RFP. A dialog will prompt for confirmation before the RFP can be deleted from the system. The system will then go to the Browse Requests for Proposal page.


You can click the Cancel button to abort current operation and go to the Browse Requests for Proposal page or return to the original entrance.

You can view change history of this RFP by clicking the View Audit Trail button. The system will then open the Browse Audit Trail Details page in a new window.

You can print information of this RFP through pre-defined document template by clicking the Print button. The system will then open the Generate Dynamic Document page.


You can click the Notify button to send notification to relevant persons about the RFP. The system will then go to the Send Notification page.


If RFP related workflow is activated, you can click the Start Workflow button to initiate the workflow or Forecast button to see the workflow activities’ detail.


Related Information


You can add and edit related information of the current RFP. By default, all subsections are collapsed when there is no contents. You can collapse or expand subsections by clicking Upor Downbeside the section titles.


Change Order Requests


The COR(s) associated with the current RFP display in the table. A brief summary of each related project includes COR ID, Subject, Primary Project, Project Contract, Contractor, Issue Date and Status (These columns can be configured by Dynamic View). You may sort the records by clicking the linked column header.


You can view detailed information of a COR by clicking view. The system will open the Edit COR General page of the project in a new window.


Implementation Projects


The project(s) associated with the current RFP display in the table. A brief summary of each related project includes Project ID, Project Name, Department, and Program Name (These columns can be configured by Dynamic View). You may sort the records by clicking the linked column header.


You can view detailed information of a project by clicking view. The system will open the Project Management page of the project in a new window.


You can associate project(s) with the current RFP by clicking Associate. The system will pop up a window for selecting project(s), listing all non-closeout projects in the system except those already associated with the current RFP.


You can disassociate project(s) with the current RFP by selecting the project(s) and clicking DisAssociate. Please note that it’s not allowed to disassociate Primary Project which is defined in RFP general.




The issue(s) associated with the current RFP display in the table. A brief summary of each related issue includes Issue ID, Issue Title, Description, Type, Status and Deadline (These columns can be configured by Dynamic View). You may sort the records by clicking the linked column header.


You can add a new issue and associate it with the current RFP by clicking Add. The system will go to the Add Issue page.


You can view detailed information of an issue by clicking view. The system will open the Edit Issue page of the issue in a new window.


You can associate issue(s) with the current RFP by clicking Associate. The system will pop up a window for selecting issue(s), listing all issues in the system except those already associated with the current RFP.


You can disassociate issue(s) with the current RFP by selecting the issue(s) and clicking DisAssociate.


Request for Information(RFIs)


The RFI(s) associated with the current RFP display in the table. A brief summary of each related RFI includes Category, RFI ID, RFI Title, Date Reported, Deadline, Date Resolved and Status (These columns can be configured by Dynamic View). You may sort the records by clicking the linked column header.


You can add a new RFI and associate it with the current RFP by clicking Add. The system will go to the Add Request for Informatio(RFI) page.


You can view detailed information of a RFI by clicking view. The system will open the Edit Request for Information(RFI) page of the RFI in a new window.


You can associate RFI(s) with the current RFP by clicking Associate. The system will pop up a window for selecting RFI(s), listing all RFIs in the system except those already associated with current RFP.


You can disassociate RFI(s) with the current RFP by selecting the RFI(s) and clicking DisAssociate.


Designer Supplementary Instructions(DSIs)

The DSI(s) associated with the current RFP display in the table. A brief summary of each related DSI includes DSI No., Subject and Issuance Date (These columns can be configured by Dynamic View). You may sort the records by clicking the linked column header.


You can add a new DSI and associate it with current RFP by clicking Add. The system will go to the Add Designer's Supplementary Instruction(DSI) page.


You can view detailed information of a DSI by clicking view. The system will open the Update DSI page of the DSI in a new window.


You can associate DSI(s) with the current RFP by clicking Associate. The system will pop up a window for selecting DSI(s), listing all DSIs in the system except those already associated with current RFP.


You can disassociate DSI(s) with the current RFP by selecting the DSI(s) and clicking DisAssociate.



The bulletin(s) associated with the current RFP display in the table. A brief summary of each related bulletin includes Bulletin No. and Issuance Date(These columns can be configured by Dynamic View). You may sort the records by clicking the linked column header.


You can add a new bulletin and associate it with the current RFP by clicking Add. The system will go to the Add Bulletin page.


You can view detailed information of a bulletin by clicking view. The system will open the Update Bulletin page of the bulletin in a new window.


You can associate bulletin(s) with the current RFP by clicking Associate. The system will pop up a window for selecting bulletin(s), listing all bulletins in the system except those already associated with current RFP.


You can disassociate bulletin(s) with the current RFP by selecting the bulletin(s) and clicking DisAssociate.



The risk(s) associated with the current RFP display in the table. A brief summary of each related risk includes Risk ID, Risk Title, Risk Type, Probability, Impact and Risk Status (These columns can be configured by Dynamic View). You may sort the records by clicking the linked column header.


You can add a new risk and associate it with the current RFP by clicking Add. The system will go to the Add Risk page.


You can view detailed information of a risk by clicking view. The system will open the Update Risk page of the risk in a new window.


You can associate risk(s) with the current RFP by clicking Associate. The system will pop up a window for selecting risk(s), listing all risks in the system except those already associated with current RFP.


You can disassociate risk(s) with the current RFP by selecting the risk(s) and clicking DisAssociate.




The document(s) associated with current RFP display in the table. A brief summary of each related document includes Document ID, Document Name, Created By, Last Modified Time, and Is Checked Out (These columns can be configured by Dynamic View). You may sort the records by clicking the linked column header.


You can upload a new file and associate it with the current RFP by clicking Add. The system will go to the Add Document page.


You can view detailed information of a document by clicking view. The system will open the Document Management page of the document in a new window.


You can batch copy document(s) into the current RFP by clicking batch copy from. The system will go to the "Create Documents by Copying from Existing Documents" page for your selection of document(s).


CreateDocuments by Copying from Existing Documents

You can batch copy document(s) from the current RFP to another entity by selecting the document(s) and clicking Batch Copy Documents To. The system will pop up the "Batch Copy Documents To Another Entity Record" page for your selection of target entity record.


Batch Copy Documents To Another Entity Record


You can batch associate document(s) with the current RFP by clicking Batch Associate Documents From. The system will go to the Browse Documents page for your selection of document(s).


You can batch associate document(s) from the current RFP to another entity by selecting the document(s) and clicking Batch Associate To. The system will pop up the "Create Linked Document(s) To Another Entity Record" page for your selection of target entity record.


Batch Associate Documents To Another Entity Record


You can batch delete document(s) from the current RFP by selecting the document(s) and clicking BatchDeleteQuoteLineItem.


You can redline the document by clicking the Markup icon markup. The system will then open Online Document Markup page in a new window.


You can download document file(s) associated with the current RFP by clicking DocumentDownload.


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